Friday, October 16, 2015

intervention point

My intervention point: management of unexpected events
Journal entry 1

Another thing that I have to foresee is the time. I could not do the lesson completely because there was a change in the schedule time, so I had to improvise some things in order to fit the lesson in the time given.

Even though my lesson was planned based on my knowledge and experience, I realized that there is always something which may slip your mind and threat you with destroy your lesson
Journal entry 2

First of all, I had to teach this lesson with these students after they had an unusual long break which offered to the students some games and activities carried out by some external personnel. When the students entered to the classroom they were still too active and wanted to keep playing
Then, I came to the conclusion that I wasn’t prepared for catching students’ attention after an event like that. I was just thinking on completing the activity without taking into account that they are just kids and their level of concentration is not easy to handle

Journal entry 3
Then, after explaining the activity to the students they were bored trying to do an activity which was kind of traditional and similar to one we had already done in the previous lesson. So, I decided to change the activity at that moment in order to not to let the activity fails

Journal entry 4
Today’s lesson was very difficult and I couldn’t achieve the objectives desired for this class which was really important to me. First of all, when I arrived to the school I was told that the students were only having 3 hours of lessons because they had a special event of love and friendship celebration. So, students had the opportunity to go to the school without the regular school uniform. Besides, they were in charge of everything related to the meeting. As a result, most of the students were very excited about the party and the central topic for them was obviously the party.

To solve this problem I would come up with the following course of action:
First of all, I have to plan my lessons based not only on my teaching and pedagogical objectives but bearing in mind the school and students extra-curricular activities which are part of the school program anyway. Besides, to create extra ideas or plans beforehand give me different ways of solving different issues in the classroom.

Finally, to reflect critically on all these issues is another key element for solving these kinds of problems. This is said because reflection gives us tools for analyzing what went wrong at some point and learn from it. That is why this method may increase my awareness of possible problems which may occur at any moment. As a result, the possibilities to get frustrated or frustrate my students with these unexpected issues would be less possible to happen.  


  1. Dear Mauro,

    It is interesting the way you are planning to tackle your intervention point. I think by anticipating unexpected events we have the opportunity to face better the possible situations presented in the classroom.

    Nice entry!


  2. Dear mate,
    I think you have a crear perspective of your challenges. I like your wider view of students; you understand them not only as learners but also as human beings with extra curricular activities. To tackle unexpected events, I would suggest to include a ten minutes "descartable activity" in your lesson plan; so that you can omit that activity if necessary and use that time to manage the unexpected situations.

  3. Hi Mauro

    As you've said before unexpected situations show up every day. I agree with the fact that being reflective will help you gain more understanding and knowledge to handle these difficulties. Also, having a plan b and c is useful for those moments.

    Nice plan!

  4. Dear Mauro,

    As we both have stated we are in the endless task of creating better learning conditions for our learners. By reflecting on these issues we are becoming reflective practitioners. reflecting is a key element for teachers, as you mention before it foster our ability to notice and cater problems in our classes.



  5. Mauro, unexpected events are part of our daily job and we as teachers needs to manage those situations. I agree with you that sometimes it is frustrating but I think that you have provided one useful solution to this point, reflection, but to use reflection from a critical perspective to analyze problems and to find new strategies.
